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kts 3d software for gold scan

GPA 1000 XS ground scanner and metal detector up to 15 ... - KTS
HardwareSoftwareService GPA 1000 XS electronic unit with integrated GOLD SCAN III metal discriminationGPA XS Universal probe 60cm (24"), telescope bar, armrest and bagGOLD SCAN III 30 x 30 cm (12") waterproof coilCylindrical coil (waterproof) 5x20cm with 10m cable在kts-electronic上5/5(6)
GOLD SCAN III - kts-electronic
KTS-Electronic GmbH Co. KG – GOLD SCAN III 12 5 Android software There is a tablet computer included in the GOLD SCAN III XS-set for two-dimensional and three
GOLD SCAN III Metalldetektor mit 3D Software bis 5
KTS-Electronic präsentiert das Nachfolgegerät des weltweit bekannten 3D Golddetektors GOLD SCAN II. Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in Entwicklung, Produktion, Vertrieb und Einsatz von Gold- und Metalldetektoren auf der
Gold Scan III - 3D gold Scanner – detectors1
KTS-Electronic introduces the successor of GOLD SCAN II, the worldwide known 3D gold detector, which is used by professional gold prospectors and treasure hunters.With over 25 years of experience in development,
GPA 1000 XS ground scanner and metal detector up
Both electronic units of GPA 1000 and GOLD SCAN III are built-in. Two different KTS-programs for the GPA 1000 XS (Android) New GOLD SCAN III metal discrimination with different colors for gold, copper, aluminium
For operation or charging only use the components enclosed or released by KTS GmbH Co. KG. GOLD SCAN II is a PC-connected metal detector, which is provided with the KTS-3D software. First you should use this device like a
Metal detectors - KTS-Electronic
GOLD SCAN III combines the technology of Pulse Induction metal detectors with our advanced active metal discrimination feature and 3D visualisation software. GOLD SCAN III detects gold and other metals up to a maximum depth of about 5 meters, is even applicable on difficult terrain (i.e. strongly mineralized desert soil, mountainous area) and ...
GPA 3000 XS - KTS-Electronic
device contains the GPA 1000 XS unit and the GOLD SCAN III unit, which is the successor of GOLD SCAN II, in one housing. Besides the KTS 3D software the new "GPA Visualizer" software is pre-installed on the tablet computer; this enables an easy operation without the need for previous knowledge.
GOLD SCAN III Metalldetektor mit 3D Software bis 5 m Tiefe - KTS
GOLD SCAN III combina la tecnología de los detectores de metales por inducción de pulso con nuestra función avanzada de discriminación activa de metales y el software de visualización 3D. GOLD SCAN III detecta oro y otros metales hasta una profundidad máxima de aproximadamente 5 metros, incluso es aplicable en terrenos difíciles (es ...
GPA 3000 XS - Le scanner au sol 3D avec distinction ... - KTS
Le nouveau GPA 3000 XS est le meilleur scanner 3D au sol et détecteur de métaux permettant de trouver de l'or jusqu'à 25 m de profondeur et de détecter à côté des métaux et des cavités dans le sol. La distinction de métal GOLD SCAN III est déjà installée dans l'unité électronique XS.
GOLD SCAN III - kts-electronic
KTS-Electronic GmbH Co. KG – GOLD SCAN III 12 5 Android software There is a tablet computer included in the GOLD SCAN III XS-set for two-dimensional and three-dimensional evaluation of your measurements which connects wirelessly via Bluetooth with the electronic unit. 5.1 - Tablet computer 5.1 Commissioning of tablet computer
Gold Scan - Prizm
Software: KTS-3D software for GOLD SCAN (pre-installed on PC) USB stick with software for processing data on other computers Service: User’s manual English, German, Spanish or French 2 years manufacturer's warranty for the entire scope of
Gold Scan II Metal Detector – Vysaly Detectors
GOLD SCAN II – The best Gold Detector machine, developed and manufactured in Germany! KTS-Electronic introduces the successor of GOLD SCAN 3D, the worldwide known gold detector. With over 20 years of experience in development, production, marketing and usage of gold and metal detectors worldwide KTS-Electronic has great
Ground-Penetrating-Analyzer - KTS-Electronic
KTS-Electronic GmbH Co. KG, Kurhessenstrasse 1, 64546 Moerfelden-Walldorf - Germany [email protected] Whatsapp +49 6105 911150. ... New GOLD SCAN III metal discrimination with color display for different metals like
GPA 1000 XS - KTS-Electronic
Neue GOLD SCAN III Metallunterscheidung mit verschiedenen Farben für Gold, Kupfer, Aluminium und Ferrometalle. Touchdisplay für eine einfachere Bedienung, bessere Grafik und Datenausgabe. ... Zusätzlich zu der KTS 3D-Software ist der GPA 1000 XS mit der neuen 3D-Software "GPA Visualizer" ausgestattet.
GPA 3000 XS - kts-electronic
Software: Newly developed KTS-3D Software and KTS GPA Visualizer software (both pre-installed on tablet computer) USB stick with software for processing data on other computers as well as an assembly instruction-video Service: English, German, French or Spanish user's manual.
Gold Scan II Metal Detector – Vysaly Detectors
GOLD SCAN II – The best Gold Detector machine, developed and manufactured in Germany! KTS-Electronic introduces the successor of GOLD SCAN 3D, the worldwide known gold detector. With over 20
Ground-Penetrating-Analyzer - KTS-Electronic
KTS-Electronic GmbH Co. KG, Kurhessenstrasse 1, 64546 Moerfelden-Walldorf - Germany [email protected] Whatsapp +49 6105 911150. ... New GOLD SCAN III metal discrimination with color display for different metals like
GPA 1000 XS - KTS-Electronic
Neue GOLD SCAN III Metallunterscheidung mit verschiedenen Farben für Gold, Kupfer, Aluminium und Ferrometalle. Touchdisplay für eine einfachere Bedienung, bessere Grafik und Datenausgabe. ... Zusätzlich zu der KTS
GPA 3000 XS - kts-electronic
Software: Newly developed KTS-3D Software and KTS GPA Visualizer software (both pre-installed on tablet computer) USB stick with software for processing data on other computers as well as an assembly instruction-video Service: English, German, French or Spanish user's manual.
Besides the KTS 3D software the new "GPA Visualizer" software is pre-installed on the tablet computer; this enables an easy operation without the need for previous knowledge. ... Fig.: 5-5 Active measurement with KTS GOLD SCAN III 5.3.2 Evaluation with KTS GOLD SCAN III You can switch to VIEW any time by tapping in the menu (even while still ...
Scanner au sol et détecteur de métaux GPA 1000 XS ... - KTS
Le GPA 1000 XS est un scanner de sol professionnel qui est uniquement développé et fabriqué par KTS-Electronic GmbH Co. KG en Allemagne. Avec une performance de recherche maximale d'environ 15 mètres (49 pieds), le GPA 1000 XS surpasse les autres détecteurs d'or et les détecteurs de métaux professionnels avec leur technologie
GOLD SCAN III - KTS-Electronic
KTS-Electronic présente le successeur du détecteur d'or 3D connu dans le monde entier, GOLD SCAN II. Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans le développement, la fabrication, la distribution et l'utilisation de détecteurs d'or et de métaux dans le monde entier, KTS-Electronic dispose d'un savoir-faire étendu qui nous a permis de développer notre
GPA 500 XS ground scanner up to 10 m (32 ft) depth - KTS
The 3D ground scanner displays soil changes with the 3D visualisation software and 2D live mode search feature. With the help of the integrated GOLD ID-XL and the gold detector coil, gold, copper and aluminum are discriminated in the advanced ID-mode and displayed as conductivity values.
KTS Gold Scan III Metal Detector hiloramart
GOLD SCAN III combines the technology of Pulse Induction metal detectors with a 3D visualisation software. GOLD SCAN III detects gold and other metals up to a maximum depth of about 5 meters, is even applicable on heavy terrain (i.e. strongly mineralized soil, bedrock) and can be used in water.
GPA 3000 XS - The 3D ground scanner with metal ... - kts
The new GPA 3000 XS is the best 3D ground scanner and metal detector to find gold up to 25 m (82 ft) depth and detects beside metals also cavities in the soil.The GOLD SCAN III metal discrimination is already installed in the XS electronic unit.
GPA 3000 XS - 3D Ground Scanner – detectors1
Furthermore it offers the following advantages: Both electronic units of GPA 3000 XS and GOLD SCAN III are built-in. Two different KTS-programs for the . ... Among the KTS 3D software, the GPA 3000 XS is additionally equipped with the new "GPA Visualizer" 3D software. This program can be operated with a few easy computer commands.
KTS Electronic Ground scanner GPA1000
The GPA 1000 (Model 2016) is a new development by KTS-Electronic Company. The 3D ground scanner uses the high depth performance of GPA technology ( GPA = Ground Penetrating Analyzer ) and is offered in a set with an additional gold and metal detector for metal discrimination.
KTS GPA 3000 XS (EURO 16,416 Plus import fee, duties and taxes)
Among the KTS 3D software, the GPA 3000 XS is additionally equipped with the new “GPA Visualizer” 3D software. This program can be operated with a few easy computer commands. ... GOLD SCAN III, which is now integrated into the electronic unit of GPA 3000 XS, is the follow-up model of the known GOLD SCAN II metal detector and impresses
The New Gold Scan III Made in Germany by KTS-Electronic
KTS-Electronic introduces the successor of GOLD SCAN II, the worldwide known 3D gold detector.With over 20 years of experience in development, production, ma...
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تأسست شركة Henan Lrate للعلوم والتكنولوجيا المحدودة التي تصنع معدات التكسير والطحن الكبيرة والمتوسطة الحجم في عام 1987. وهي شركة مساهمة حديثة مع البحث والتصنيع والمبيعات معًا.
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